Accepting Acceptance…
/Much is made of acceptance but what of accepting acceptance.
In a previous article I talked about the power of incremental acceptance and how it could be used to help us realise our true nature. I’ve since found it can be applied to virtually any field.
Many people engage in negative self talk and keep themselves bound over and unable to live life fully. From not being able to take a compliment to self sabotaging opportunities to live a stronger and freer life. It is almost as if there is a collective brainwashing at hand where people really can’t accept themselves. This leads to roles being played out and the tragedy here is that we are unable to form real human relationships, communicate authentically or live.
… It means to be open, to be vulnerable, to be courageous, to be as inquisitive as a child and to let go as easily as a child. To be empty.
I have found we are almost hardwired not to break out of the cages of our environment, conditioning and peer groups. Does this come from the idea of safety and is this idea even true. For if this idea is situated in the mind then by its nature it is limited and as such doesn’t offer true safety.
So, what does it mean to be truly safe? to have certainty and in this certainty be accepting of a deep acceptance that allows us to live wide open as we truly are. It means to be open, to be vulnerable, to be courageous, to be as inquisitive as a child and to let go as easily as a child. To be empty. To allow any experience, good or bad to arise and fall as and how it should, without trying to hold it, resist it or even understand and yet being alright even if you find yourself resisting and holding. To realise that acceptance isn’t passive but empowering that by allowing everything we cannot be held by anything.
In this expansive we see constantly our limitations and in gratitude watch as like a wave crashing across the rocks that these limitations die always replaced by something more. That which is merely an idea being exposed to reveal what we truly are.